Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Quotable Quotes #6

This weekend we hosted a bunch of the brothers and sisters to celebrate a few of the birthdays in the family.  We offered up roast meat and veg as a main and our guests contributed with a variety of other tasties including one of Charlotte’s favourites – a selection of cheeses.

Our little girl is quite the connoisseur of cheese platters and eats everything from Bries to Blues.  She takes great delight in assembling a mouthful of yum but she’s not yet allowed to cut her own cheese.  This weekend I caught her, little tongue firmly wedged out the side of her mouth in concentration as she attempted to saw her way to an impressive wedge of Brie.

“You know you’re not allowed to use the knife by yourself, what do you think you’re doing?” I challenged.
“Oh Mama,” she sighed, rolling her eyes, “I’m five now, you know!”

And a day later she offered up this little age-related pearl of wisdom to the little Viking, “Don’t worry James, I used to do the same thing when I was little.”

Clearly for Madam turning five is not so much a celebration of birth as a graduation into a new era of maturity that comes complete with a plethora of newfound wisdom and ability.

1 comment:

  1. she was cutting her own cheese at her birthday party with no worries. even asked me if i wanted hard or soft cheese cut for me, since she was there and all.
