Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Apparently Today was my "Day Off"

This morning right before I got up I was chatting away to my husband when this little verbal gem popped out of his mouth, “Well unlike you, I don’t get the day off today.”

Day off?  Huh?  Am I going to a day spa?  Have the Christmas elves come to do all my cleaning during the night?  Was I missing something?  Oh no – he’s referring to the fact that I don’t have paid employment on Wednesdays. 

Now normally as I go about my business on Wednesdays I don’t really think too much about all the chores I have to do while I have two kids in tow – I just get on with it.

But today I continued to seethe on and off all day about the “day off” comment.  While I washed, mopped, vacuumed, dropped off forms, wrangled my way through swimming classes with the kids and sorted washing I tried to work out how on earth what I was doing could possibly be referred to as a day off.

All I could surmise is that the man is obviously deluded.  Staying at home to do chores and errands with two bored children is a tad harder than going to work and wrangling my way through legislation from the comfort of an air-conditioned office with a padded executive chair.  Let’s face it, if the stay-at-home gig was really such a picnic I’d be doing it full time. 

It’s 3pm now and I haven’t sat down all day until now.  I’ve got stacks more chores, dinner to cook, another batch of gingerbread to make and, if I get through all of that, I might have a chance to work on some of the Christmas gifts we’re meant to be making.

I don’t know what time the work will run out for me but I’m clear on one thing – the instant he gets home he’s going to apologise for the “day off” comment or he’s going to die.  The choice will be his.

*  Bliss.  I’ve just realised that he’s got all next week “off” while I work.


  1. So I think it's worth noting at this point that the comment was very much "tongue-in-cheek"; no-one has a greater appreciation for the awesome workload my wife gets through than me. I think I just need to learn not to make such jokes when she is grumpy at being dragged into consciousness early in the morning by a hungry one-year-old.

  2. Aw. This one buys you at least one more dinner and a warm bed for the night. X X X X
