Tuesday, January 3, 2012

New Year's Resolutions

I probably have to start this one off by pointing out that since it's 3 January and I'm only just writing this now, one of the first resolutions I make should probably relate to my chronic procrastination.  But apart from that, in no particular order;

1.)  I will overcome my deep mistrust of cottage cheese.  It's creamy.  It's delicious.  And yet somehow it manages to be low in fat and sugar.  I don't know what's up with that but I vow to stop treating the magical cottage cheese like a radioactive byproduct and start eating it more often.

2.)  It's taken a year but I seem to have conquered the B12 Beast*.  No more highs and lows, energy is consistent and I no longer feel like I will fail to wake up tomorrow morning if I do any more exercise beyond dragging myself out of bed and into my car.  Exercise finally feels good again.  For this reason 2012 will be about reclaiming my fitness.  To kick it off I've started my 30 minutes of cardio a day for 30 days.  I started before New Year and I'm on day 6, but it's still a commitment dedicated to 2012.

3.)  2012 will be the year of getting my sexy back.  I have attended Charm School three times.  I know how to apply red lippy, I know how to do my hair.  I am aware of the crime that is the wearing of tracksuits, thongs and a ponytail for any purpose other than exercise, getting a pedicure and going to the beach (respectively).  To the intense amazement of all, I do actually own high heels, skirts and dresses.  It's true, most of them predate my children, but there really is no excuse now that we've recovered financially from two rounds of maternity leave.  Time to update the wardrobe and start pretending I care about my appearance.  No more jeans at work.  Again.  Ever.  I will also invest in way more garter belts and Cuban heels stockings because panty hose are gross.  And hello Queen of Holloway, how you doing?  I love your work. Mwah!

4.)  Speaking of sexy, back to burlesque and swing dancing.  I love, love, love and should never have stopped.  I may even kidnap Kat's husband so I can go learn salsa.

5.)  I will learn to be selfish.  I have kicked this one off with a spectacular bang thanks to the depression rearing its ugly head.  Two choices, meds or survival.  I went with survival.  Which means doing the bare minimum to keep myself healthy and happy...before I even think about what anyone else needs.  I have just had to learn to say no and stop feeling so bloody guilty about it.  Having said that, there are those of you who have been there recently in ways I truly never expected and can't find the words to express my gratitude for.  You know who you are and you guys will always be at the top of my list**.

6.)  RENOVATION.  My other illicit love.  Oh how many plans I have.  Want to know what to buy me for my birthday?  BUNNINGS VOUCHERS.  So many projects, so little time and money.

7.)  New job.  For SO MANY REASONS.

8.)  I will not cultivate vegetable bin soup in the fridge.  This is a big one.

9.)  I will return to writing with some sort of regularity...not just TC but my other, secret blogs that none of you know about. ;-)

Much love to you all and best wishes for the challenges you plan to tackle in 2012.  So many of you have held me together this year and I am so lucky to have you.

Kisses - X X X

** Okay, just in case you don't know who you are:  Mum, Kat, Scott, Rowan, Paul, Mark, Sam, Brad, Mon, Sal, Karen, Gayle, Dad, Jase, Lenks...now that I think about it, almost all of you!

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